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Get started! Steps to take to study abroad.

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

by Danielle Smith

While in college, a student is presented with numerous opportunities: joining a social club, playing a sport and even studying abroad.

Studying abroad, whether it be for three weeks or three months, is something that will be life changing for a student and will impress future employers.

Once a student decides to study abroad, there are steps to take in order to make sure everything from the preparation to stepping onto the plane goes off without a hitch.

Meet with your Academic Adviser

While this seems like an odd task, your academic adviser has had previous students study abroad and knows how to work in your classes abroad to make sure you still graduate on time. While you will definitely gain independence abroad, don’t make the mistake of not consulting your adviser. This could potentially lead to an error that affects your class schedule for the rest of your time at RC.   


Budgeting is something that all college students are accustomed to; the good news is that it’s not different no matter where you are in the world. Based on how long your study abroad experience is going to be, you want to have a financial plan that will make sure you have enough money for food, spending money and even weekend travel. Budgeting gives you a sense of control and responsibility, so why not practice that while abroad? If will add to your new level of independence.

Talk to people

For each study abroad experience that RC offers, a faculty member guides the trip. He or she will be one of your best sources for getting your questions answered. Aside from giving you advice on what type of clothing to pack or what to expect from your classes, the professor can give recommendations on the best cafes, coolest museums and fun things to do in the city you will soon call home.

Whether you are a seasoned professional when it comes to traveling or are someone who has never left the State of Michigan, having a plan will make any journey more enjoyable and memorable.  

Danielle Smith is a senior mass communication—broadcast media major from Oxford. She studied in Vienna, Austria, in Spring 2018.

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